1. Never use dishwashing soap to wash your car. It’s great for casserole plates, not so hot for your $20,000 ride. Buy soap specifically designed to wash a car.
2. After washing your car, give it a second round with hair conditioner (containing lanolin). Leave it on for five minutes, then rinse – just like your hair! It will give your car a freshly waxed look AND it repels rain.
3. Polish your car’s headlights with window cleaner and an old pair of panty hose.
4. Never wash your car when it is hot – right after you’ve been driving it or when it has been parked in direct sunlight, for example. This can result in soapy deposits and splotches.
5. Never dry your car by driving it around – that will create streaks and attract dirt. Use a chamois or soft terry cloth and a squeegee.